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2/5 Australian General Hospital Plaque Dedication

The Australian War Memorial in Canberra, is making a Walkway of Remembrance, in the gardens, to pay homage to all of the Australian Units that took part in World War II.


The Dedication of the Plaque honouring the 2/5 AGH took place on the 17 May 2005, and was attended by about sixty people.


These included three ex-prisoners of war, nurses, and members of the unit, and many relatives of those who have gone to their eternal reward.


It was at this ceremony that the Red Ensign Flag, made by the Prisoners Of War, in Poland, was displayed for the first time since it was last seen in 1946.


The pictures below were taken on the day the 2/5 AGH came to the Australian War Memorial.


© 2/5 Australian General Hospital

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